Friday 5 October 2012

Post 2 Theme: Looking Up

What did I do in class this week?
 This week in class i completed a photography time line from the first camera obscura to the newest in printing technology. With the many advances in photography in recent years it makes me wonder if there will be a breakthrough in my lifetime.I also answered questions regarding important inventors and people in the history of photography. Our class went on a Photo scavenger hunt with the theme, Looking Up.

Theme and Pictures:

This weeks theme is Looking Up I find it an interesting theme because there are countless pictures you can chose from and everybody wont have the same picture. My first picture is looking up at the birds, probably flying south for the winter. The second photo is of the old grandstands that are used at the Manitoba stampede. I tried to get some pigeons in the picture but none were around the building. My third picture is of the gloomy day we had while taking pictures. I saw the sun trying to get through and I thoughtit would make a good picture

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